Make Your HVAC System More Energy Efficient

An energy-efficient HVAC System (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) has to meet targets in all aspects. Employees and visitors to business premises – family and friends at home – all need high-quality air indoors to stay healthy and productive. HVAC systems that are more energy efficient protect your people, your pocket and the planet.

The correct maintenance and use of a quality air conditioning system allows facilities managers (and homeowners alike) to predict building energy consumption and associated emissions accurately. Fail to manage correctly, and there is a risk of runaway energy costs.

Talk to experts in HVAC installation and maintenance plans to find out more about all the advantages of heating controls, ventilation and air conditioning  within all your workspaces and household. Using HVAC is designed to manage energy usage to make the system you install as efficient as possible.

Replacement or Repair

Whether to replace or repair the HVAC components is a common question. Old elements of HVAC systems can put a significant strain on your energy consumption. It’s not easy to find the right time to carry out a full test, but it is essential to understand when an upgrade or complete replacement of your HVAC system is required.

Regular maintenance checks on your HVAC can identify costly component failures such as air leaks. Repair of air leaks is significantly more straightforward to repair than a full system replacement. Talk to your energy professional. A comprehensive audit pressurises each space so that your HVAC facilities engineer can identify possible energy leaks.

Once your HVAC system is ten years old, the likelihood of repairs generally increases. You might notice discrepancies in performance between rooms, and it’s nearly always time consider replacement rather than ongoing repair.

Improved Efficiency.

Improved energy efficiency in your building lowers the load on your HVAC system. Controlled operating costs are the result. Run your HVAC to maintain your unit at optimum levels. Improving the insulation in your premises is always a good plan. Weatherproofing all the windows, doors and switching to energy-efficient bulbs for lighting is another area to explore, along with natural ventilation control.

Programmable HVAC Controls

Modern HVAC systems now have programmable controls as standard. Older commercial buildings without controls will struggle to manage their HVAC efficiently. Thermostat programming by zone and sensor are the modern way to provide power within each space and room.

Regular Maintenance

Why the cost of regular maintenance? Is it essential? Again these are frequent questions. The efficient performance of your HVAC system – as well as the support you need to keep the system running as smoothly as possible – all require a regular HVAC maintenance programme. Prevent expensive emergency call out for repairs by having a maintenance schedule as standard.

We have worked on projects across the UK including Manchester, Liverpool, Cheshire, Wales, Blackpool, Bolton, Lancaster, Yorkshire, Bradford  and London. We can help you enhance your environment with a bespoke, high-quality HVAC system. Simply call: 01204 305 053, email: or fill in our contact form.


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